
This set of 4 cycle blends is your aromatic personal assistant that fits in your purse calling you to sync with your beautiful cycle.

Summer is floral and citrusy, uplifting and supporting you into your full joy and limitless energy with a side of staying in your own lane and connected to self.

Autumn is a big blend of herbal, woody, fruit and spices. It is supportive, calming, helps releasing the irrational and aids transition from summer into winter.

Winter is a very woody and earthy blend with a hit of fresh Aussie bush supporting a deep knowing of self.

Spring is a minty, spicy, woody scent that beckons your empowered self to put some pep in their bambi steps out of the winter cocoon and toward that big show-stopping summer energy.

These blends aromatically assist you energetically and emotionally to flow from season to season and remind you of the superpowers of the season you are in.


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Full moon, Ovulation, Expressive, Mother Archetype.

Jasmine, Green mandarin, Kumquat, Tangerine, Cedarwood, Neroli essential oils topped with organic fractionated coconut oil. 


Waning Moon, Luteal Phase, Surrender, Wild Women Archetype.

Petitgrain, Grapefruit, Cardamom, Wintergreen, Thyme essential oils with organic fractionated coconut oil.


New Moon, Menstruation, Reflective, Crone, Enchantress Archetype.

Clary Sage, Lemon Myrtle, Black Spruce, Myrrh, Frankincense, Vetiver with organic fractionated coconut oil.


Waxing Moon, Follicular Phase, Inspired, Maiden Archetype.

Peppermint, Spearmint, Cypress, Patchouli, Ginger, Copiaba essential oils topped with organic fractionated coconut oil as carrier.



Roll blend in palm of hands rub palms together and cup face. Take 3 slow deep breaths in the nose and out the mouth connecting with the essence of the blend. Rub excess over womb/abdomen and take another 3 breathes connecting to womb space. 

These blends are yours to use however you feel called to. For example, you may feel like layering 2 of the blends or you may feel called to use spring in your autumn or winter in summer. Just like the weather we can have a winters day midsummer.  You may like to wear it on the neck to smell throughout the day.

Your nose knows best always, as does your body. 

All blends come with a guide card that explains the energy of each oil in the blend and how it supports you in the phase.


Contains photosensitive citrus oils. Use on skin out of direct contact with sunlight.




“I love my cycle blends, they are in tune with my needs throughout the month, helping with pain, mood and clarity. Whenever a need arises I know that I can trust Tricia to guide us back on track with her oily goodness.”